8 Proven Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea


"The herbal superstar that can transform you from a lazy snail to a vigorous gazelle!"

Searching for a natural method to boost your body and mind? Look no further than Rhodiola rosea - the herbal superstar that can transform you from a lazy snail to a vigorous gazelle!

Rhodiola rosea, commonly known as rose root, golden root or arctic root, is a potent herb used in traditional medicine for ages across many cultures to treat various physical and mental health conditions. This fascinating plant is native to the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia, where traditional healers have treasured it for its curative effects. It's a superfood for your mind and body without the adverse effects of dubious artificial stimulants. And with names like the "King's Crown" and the "Rosy Root", it's evident that Rhodiola rosea is no ordinary herb.

In the world of natural medicines, Rhodiola rosea stands out from other Rhodiola species because of its high levels of powerful bioactive constituent rosavins, which account for many of its health-promoting qualities (1). Although different species, such as Rhodiola quadrifida, also contain rosavins, they pale compared to those found in Rhodiola rosea (1).

The high concentration of rosavins in Rhodiola rosea is not the only factor distinguishing it best. The abundant research that supports its possible health advantages is another factor. Multiple studies show Rhodiola rosea extracts can boost cognitive performance, lessen the effects of stress induced fatigue, and increase stamina and athletic performance (2). Research on extracts of other species, like Rhodiola quadrifida extracts, is limited.

In complementary and integrative health practices, Rhodiola rosea extract, drawn from the plant's root, has developed a strong reputation for its health benefits. In traditional medicine, healers use it to treat mood disorders, stress related fatigue, cognitive impairment, and sexual dysfunction, boost physical performance and enhance cognitive function. As a plant adaptogen, Rhodiola rosea contains bioactive compounds that help your body handle stress and better manage the pressures of contemporary life.

Whether you're a busy professional, a fitness buff, a university student or just someone who wants to feel your best, Rhodiola rosea is an ideal addition to your daily dietary supplement stack.

Here are eight evidence-based, proven health benefits of Rhodiola rosea.

1. Boosts Physical and Mental Performance

Fire up your workouts and mental focus with nature's golden root. Research indicates that chronic Rhodiola rosea supplementation can increase exercise performance and enhance mental clarity and overall vitality (2). In randomized clinical trials, Rhodiola rosea extract athletes reported improved endurance and lessened physical and mental fatigue (3). Studies suggest that it does this by reducing mitochondrial superoxide levels, which may benefit athletic performance by enhancing energy production in your muscles, allowing you to push yourself harder during exercise. In murine models, constant Rhodiola rosea extract treatment decreased mitochondrial superoxide levels in skeletal muscle cells (4,17).

Another powerful benefit of Rhodiola rosea is its ability to regulate neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, essential in well-being and cognitive function (5,6). Student-athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike have found Rhodiola supplements a popular choice due to data suggesting they may be a safe and effective approach to increasing physical and mental performance.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Chronic stress can cause unfavourable health effects, including shortened lifespan and stress resistance. Traditional healers have used Rhodiola rosea for millennia as a powerful adaptogen for its anti stress properties and to fight mental fatigue (7). Rhodiola supplements can relieve the impact of stress on the body and mind. Research suggests continuous Rhodiola rosea consumption can alleviate the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, lowering stress levels and boosting overall well-being. This impact could be partly attributed to Rhodiola's capacity to regulate your body's stress response, reducing the production of stress hormones such as cortisol (8).

Research shows that Rhodiola rosea may be remarkably effective in treating mental fatigue. In a randomized placebo controlled trial, the Rhodiola rosea extract group substantially improved cognitive performance and decreased mental fatigue (9). This impact can be due to the plant's ability to enhance circulation and oxygen flow to the brain and its antioxidant characteristics, which safeguard brain cells (10).

For anyone seeking to alleviate stress and live a more well-balanced lifestyle, Rhodiola rosea is a must-have supplement due to its demonstrated capacity to lower stress and anxiety, counteract mental tiredness, and enhance general health and well-being.

3. Reduces Symptoms of Depression

Rhodiola rosea extracts have demonstrated promising benefits in treating mild to moderate depression symptoms (5). A systematic review of trials showed that Rhodiola rosea extracts were more effective than a placebo in alleviating depressive symptoms (11).

Remarkably, a randomized placebo controlled trial titled 'Rhodiola rosea versus sertraline for major depressive disorder: A randomized placebo-controlled trial.' found that Rhodiola rosea extracts were equally as effective as the regularly prescribed antidepressant medicine sertraline (12). These studies support the hypothesis that Rhodiola rosea can be an effective therapeutic option for those with depression who experience adverse reactions to standard antidepressant drugs.

More research is needed to determine the clinical efficacy of Rhodiola rosea extracts in treating depression, but the results thus far are optimistic.

4. Improves Memory and Concentration

Proper sleep, exercise, and a nutritious diet are essential to keep your memory and concentration strong.

Natural nootropics like Rhodiola rosea may help. A 2012 systematic review found that Rhodiola rosea, or the 'arctic root', can improve mental functions and attention in patients with mild cognitive impartment (13). A mechanism by which Rhodiola rosea improves memory and concentration is through its ability to regulate neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are vital in attention, learning and memory (6). Chronic stress also impairs cognitive performance; Rhodiola rosea counteracts this with its anti-stress properties (1).

According to a study published in the journal, Phytomedicine, another way Rhodiola rosea enhances mental performance is by increasing cerebral blood flow (14). Furthermore, studies show Rhodiola rosea can boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression. This protein stimulates neuronal growth and survival in the brain, which is crucial for memory and concentration (15).

While more research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind these effects, current evidence suggests Rhodiola rosea is a valuable natural nootropic to sharpen memory and concentration.

Daily supplements like Brain Focus by BesaPure® are formulated explicitly with effective dosages of Rhodiola rosea in the golden root's most optimal standardized extract of 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidrosides. While Rhodiola has shown promise when used alone, it is more likely to provide maximal benefit when combined with other potent natural nootropics.

Brain Focus by BesaPure® is made with advanced forms of nature's finest nootropics, including Rhodiola rosea. These compounds work synergistically to maximise the positive effects on your brain.

Collectively, they work to:

▶︎ Diminish stress & anxiety

▶︎ Enhance concentration & mental focus

▶︎ Boost physical & mental endurance without stimulants

▶︎ Strengthen athletic performance

5. Boosts Immune System

One of the best benefits of Rhodiola rosea is its ability to boost your immune system. Research suggests that Rhodiola rosea influences immune responses by raising the synthesis of cytokines, which are signalling molecules that assist in regulating immunological responses, and by modulating the activity of immune cells such as natural killer cells, T cells, and B cells (6,17). Studies demonstrate Rhodiola rosea can promote interferon-gamma synthesis, a cytokine essential for triggering immune cells and fighting infections (18). Other studies show Rhodiola rosea can boost the activity of natural killer cells, which play a crucial role in the body's fight against viruses and cancer cells (19).

A 2000 study examined Rhodiola rosea on immunological function in 112 adults experiencing work-related stress. Rhodiola rosea root extract was administered to participants daily for four weeks. The results showed that supplementation with standardized extract of Rhodiola rosea boosted immune cells in the blood, including NK cells and T lymphocytes (6). Another 2015 study demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea substantially stimulated NK cell activity in healthy individuals. Also, Rhodiola rosea was well-tolerated, with no significant side effects recorded. As a result, the study indicates that Rhodiola rosea may boost NK cell function in healthy people (20).

Additionally, Rhodiola rosea has potent antioxidant qualities, possibly contributing to its immune-boosting, anti aging and anti cancer effects; antioxidants aid in safeguarding cells from free radical harm, which can cause inflammation and DNA damage (1). While more research is needed to understand how Rhodiola rosea impacts the immune system entirely, existing evidence indicates that it may have immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties that can enhance immunity.

6. Improves Sexual Function

As a herbal medicine, Rhodiola rosea was also traditionally used to improve sexual function—recent research back this up (21). Rhodiola rosea's capacity to enhance blood flow and lower blood pressure could be how it improves sexual function (22). Because it can restrict blood flow to the genitals, high blood pressure is a prominent cause of sexual issues (23). Rhodiola rosea may aid sexual function by lowering blood pressure and promoting blood flow. Another vital factor in maintaining healthy sexual function is testosterone levels. Rhodiola rosea has been shown in studies to boost testosterone levels, which is essential for healthy sexual function in both men and women (24).

Additionally, enhancing exercise performance is another way Rhodiola rosea may improve sexual function (3). Increasing physical activity enhances sexual function, and research indicates Rhodiola rosea can improve endurance and lessen fatigue, essentially allowing you to exercise more (25). Through enhancing exercise performance, Rhodiola rosea may indirectly improve your libido and sexual prowess.

Rhodiola rosea may improve sexual function by raising blood flow and lowering blood pressure, enhancing exercise performance and boosting testosterone levels. Further research is needed, however, to understand the complete mechanisms of how Rhodiola rosea affects sexual function.

7. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin is an essential hormone for controlling blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance happens when the cells become less receptive to insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels and a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Research indicates Rhodiola rosea can enhance insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels (26). Consuming Rhodiola rosea for 12 weeks increased insulin sensitivity and lessened insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients (27). One of the mechanisms Rhodiola rosea does this could be its ability to raise the activity of an enzyme known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK is essential in controlling the human body's glucose metabolism and energy equilibrium (28).

While additional research is needed to understand Rhodiola rosea's effects on insulin sensitivity completely, the current evidence demonstrates that it may be a viable natural therapy for persons with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. We recommend that you consult a licensed physician before consuming Rhodiola rosea extract or any dietary supplements.

8. Enhances Sleep Quality

Multiple studies prove the positive impact Rhodiola rosea has on sleep quality. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 2009 showed that Rhodiola rosea enhanced sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep), sleep length, and overall sleep quality in people suffering from stress-related exhaustion (2). Another study in 2018 demonstrated consumption of Rhodiola rosea for four weeks enhanced sleep quality and lessened feelings of insomnia in adults with mild-to-moderate sleep disruptions (29).

Another way Rhodiola rosea enhances sleep quality is by regulating your body's stress response. Studies show it can lower cortisol (a stress hormone) levels while raising serotonin and dopamine levels, neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation and sleep (30). Rhodiola rosea may also enhance sleep quality by reducing sleep apnea symptoms, a disease in which breathing stops and starts during sleep. A 2019 study discovered that Rhodiola rosea extract relieved sleep apnea symptoms and enhanced oxygen saturation in people with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea (31).

Present-day evidence indicates that Rhodiola rosea can be a valuable supplement for enriching sleep quality, especially for individuals who suffer from stress-related fatigue or have mild-to-moderate sleep disruptions. More research is still needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms of how it impacts sleep quality. Please consult a licensed physician before starting any course of dietary supplements.

How To Take Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Rhodiola is quite an uncommon herb that is available mainly as Rhodiola rosea extract in capsules or tablets. Although you may consume it as a tea, many prefer the capsule or tablet form because it allows for more precise dosing.

What To Look For?

Like many dietary supplements, Rhodiola supplements are at risk of contaminants. When choosing a Rhodiola supplement, ensure it is 3rd party tested by SAC-SINGLAS (in Singapore or similar organizations in other countries) accredited labs to be free of impurities and manufactured in GMP ( Good Manufacturing Practice)-certified facilities. Higher-quality supplements will standardize their Rhodiola rosea extract to contain 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidrosides; this is the most optimal bioactive compound ratio of the plant.

Brain Focus by BesaPure® is intentionally formulated with effective dosages of Rhodiola rosea in the golden root's most optimized ratio of 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidrosides.

Safety of Rhodiola Rosea Extracts

Rhodiola rosea extracts are generally regarded as safe to consume. The plant has been used in traditional medicine for millennia with no severe adverse side effects (22). It is crucial to remember that Rhodiola rosea extracts, like any supplement, may have certain drug interactions or negatively affect people with specific medical problems. Before starting any dietary supplements, consumers should contact a licensed healthcare practitioner, especially if they are taking drugs or have any underlying medical concerns.


Studies on Rhodiola rosea have proven that it has a wide variety of positive effects on your body and mind. From reducing physical and mental fatigue, enhancing sexual prowess and improving sleep quality, it's no wonder this potent herb has names like "Golden Root" and "King's Crown".

Rhodiola rosea may be just what you need if you're seeking a safe, natural, and effective solution to improve your physical and mental performance, combat fatigue and feel amazing.



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