Mood. Motivation. Memory.
Mood. Motivation. Memory.

✓ Dive into days with a joyous mindset*

✓ Conquer deadlines with unmatched enthusiasm*

✓ Remember names and appointments with ease*

✓ Fuel your motivation for long study nights or back-to-back meetings*

✓ Stay upbeat and resilient through rigorous coursework or challenging projects*

Embrace the mood-enhancing, motivation-boosting, and memory-strengthening power of Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite.

This research-backed duo harmonises advanced forms of Rhodiola rosea root and Ginkgo biloba leaves, meticulously extracted to contain 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidroside, and 24% Ginkgo flavonol glycosides and 6% Terpene Lactones respectively.

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite goes beyond what either herb can do alone, synergistically amplifying each other’s effects, creating a superior cognitive and emotional enhancement.

Get ready to feel good and do better!

Start your day right with Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite.


$35.60 SGD
  • 1 bottle (60 capsules)
  • 2 bottles (120 capsules)
  • 3 bottles (180 capsules)

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  • Free shipping for all SG & MY orders above 50 SGD

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite unites the botanical prowess of Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba, acting on 5 important neural bio-pathways:
  • Neurotransmitter Optimisation: Rhodiola rosea enhances the availability of mood-lifting serotonin and motivation-driving dopamine, ensuring a harmonious mental state and sustained drive. Meanwhile, Ginkgo bolsters cholinergic pathways, essential for memory precision.
  • Stress Response Regulation: Rhodiola's adaptogenic nature modulates the stress hormones, norepinephrine and cortisol, striking a balance between alertness and relaxation - pivotal for sustained motivation.
  • Neuroprotection and Cerebral Circulation: Ginkgo biloba safeguards neurons from oxidative stress and amplifies cerebral blood flow, providing an enriched environment for memory retention and retrieval.
  • Excitatory Control: Ginkgo’s modulation of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate via NMDA receptors aids in memory processes and neuroprotection, offering clarity in thought.
  • Neural Plasticity Enhancement: This potent combination fortifies synaptic connections, fostering adaptability in thinking and problem-solving, crucial for memory flexibility and innovation.
Stay sharp, driven, and upbeat. Make Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite an essential part of your morning ritual. 

Feel Good and Do Better!

Gems from Mother Nature you can trust with benefits you can feel


Gems from Mother Nature you can trust
with benefits you can feel


Why you'll love Rhodiola ginkgo elite

Nature's Energiser Duo

Nature's Energiser Duo, Amplified Benefits

Scientifically proven to complement each other, this blend helps lift your mood, keep you motivated, sharpen your memory, and give you the mental energy you need to tackle your day.


Feel good and Do Better

With elevated mood and sustained motivation


Recall Faster & Remember More

With enhanced memory retention and retrieval


Keep Calm and Think Clearer

With enhanced stress response regulation


Work or Study Longer

With enhanced mental endurance & reduced fatigue

Benefits - More Reasons To Love Rhodiola Ginkgo Eite!

Mood. Motivation. Memory.

Feel good, do better!


elevates spirits

Boosts serotonin, promoting mood elevation and emotional balance*

boosts drive

Enhances dopamine levels, fostering increased motivation and sustained drive*

sharpens recall

Improves cerebral blood flow, enhancing memory retention and cognitive clarity*

enhances calmness

Regulates cortisol levels, bolstering stress resilience and promoting calmness*

supports endurance

Enhances ATP production, reducing fatigue and boosting physical energy*

preserves cognition

Provides neuroprotection, supporting long-term brain health and cognitive longevity*

What To Expect

Feel Good and Do Better with Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite!

At the Office:

✓Quick Thinking on Your Feet: You'll find yourself quickly navigating complex problems and articulating thoughts more clearly during meetings.
✓Steady Energy Levels: That mid-afternoon energy dip becomes a thing of the past. Enjoy sustained energy that carries you through the entire workday.

During Workouts:

✓Endurance Like Never Before: With enhanced ATP production and muscular oxygen utilisation, experience a notable boost in your stamina, allowing you to push your limits and enjoy more intense, longer workout sessions.
✓Faster Recovery: Post-workout fatigue diminishes, making it easier for you to bounce back and prepare for your next session.

In Your Study Space:

✓Enhanced Concentration: Distractions fade, making it easier to focus on your studies or any task requiring deep concentration.
✓Improved Memory Recall: Preparing for tests or presentations becomes more efficient as you retain and recall information more effectively.

Daily Life and Social Situations:

✓Elevated Mood: Feel a natural uplift in your spirits, making day-to-day activities and social interactions more enjoyable and fulfilling.
✓Resilience to Stress: Challenges that would typically spike your stress levels seem more manageable, allowing you to approach them with a calmer demeanour.

Whether it's powering through your workday, maximising your physical fitness, acing your studies, or simply enjoying a richer, more balanced life, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite supports you every step of the way.

Suggested Use

Take 2 capsules every morning with food for optimal results.
For peak efficiency, individuals may want to cycle 
off Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite every six weeks and pause
consumption for one to two weeks.
For peak efficiency, individuals may want to cycle off Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite every six weeks and pause consumption for one to two weeks.

Why Was Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite Formulated?

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite was formulated as a testament to the power of natural synergy, addressing the universal quest for enhanced cognitive function, sharper memory, and a balanced mood. This innovative supplement leverages the unique interplay between Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba, two botanicals revered not only for their individual benefits but also for the amplified potential they offer when combined.

Rhodiola rosea, with its adaptogenic properties, is a cornerstone of traditional medicine. It is celebrated for its ability to significantly reduce fatigue, bolster stress resilience, and elevate mood. It works by optimising your body's stress response system, allowing for a more efficient management of daily life's mental and physical demands. Ginkgo biloba, renowned for its circulatory benefits and neuroprotective effects, complements Rhodiola by enhancing cerebral blood flow. 

These benefits aid in maintaining cognitive agility and support memory retention and recall, making it invaluable for anyone looking to improve their cognitive performance.

The formulation of Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite capitalises on the chemistry between these two extracts, creating a powerful synergy that enhances their individual effects on the brain and body. It is a solution crafted from the understanding that the whole can indeed be greater than the sum of its parts.

This unique combination offers a comprehensive approach to cognitive health, targeting key areas such as focus, memory enhancement, and emotional equilibrium. We developed Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite as a holistic, scientifically validated solution to cognitive enhancement — an all-natural supplement to support well-being in a demanding world.


How Does Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite Work?


Modern research.

Ancient wisdom.

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite leverages the potent synergy between Rhodiola rosea root and Ginkgo biloba leaves, targeting essential neurochemical pathways to enhance cognitive performance and mental well-being.

Our formulation is meticulously standardised: Rhodiola rosea root to 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidroside, and Ginkgo biloba leaves to 24% Flavonol Glycosides and 6% Terpene Lactones, ensuring the delivery of high-potency bioactive compounds.

The choice of Rhodiola rosea root is strategic. It focuses on the plant's most potent part, which influences critical neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are vital for mood regulation and stress resilience. Studies show Rhodiola can significantly reduce fatigue and enhance energy levels, sustaining motivation.

Ginkgo biloba leaves, on the other hand, improves cerebral blood flow, thus enhancing memory retention and cognitive clarity. The combination of these potent extracts results in a superior cognitive enhancement effect that outperforms either herb on its own.

Recent research underlines the combined efficacy of Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba, noting particularly substantial improvements in psychomotor vigilance and short-term working memory.

Whether you are a student facing long hours of study, a professional juggling multiple tasks, or someone seeking to improve their cognitive health and emotional well-being, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite provides a natural approach to improving mental performance, motivation and mood balance. Helping you feel good and perform better!
Read more about the ingredients of Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite and their effects below, under 'Our Ingredients'.
As an all-natural herbal supplement, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite will not function as a prescription drug. Good things take time. Improvements may come smoothly and gradually. For some, a noticeable difference may take up to four weeks. Consistency is key. At BesaPure® Superfoods, we believe the lifelong benefits of natural healing far outweigh the temporary results and adverse side effects of synthetic compounds.

Our Ingredients

Nature takes charge.

Ingredients in Brain Focus



Rhodiola Rosea, commonly known as golden root or 红景天 hong jing tian, is a potent medicinal herb that grows in the Arctic and mountainous areas of Europe and Asia. Traditional healers in Russia, Scandinavia and China have a long history of using this powerful plant to boost brain performance, improve mood and mental health and treat conditions such as depression, chronic and acute mental fatigue, burnout symptoms and altitude sickness.

Rhodiola rosea optimises the activity of specific neurotransmitters and hormones that are vital for reducing fatigue and improving mood. This incredible plant promotes relaxation and mental alertness through increasing alpha brain wave activity.

One of the primary mechanisms Rhodiola rosea alleviates fatigue is by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which, when elevated, can cause fatigue and exhaustion.

Apart from its nootropic effects, Rhodiola rosea also boosts physical endurance by increasing the activity of energy metabolism enzymes such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase, increasing energy production and alleviating fatigue.

What distinguishes Rhodiola rosea from other Rhodiola species’ is the chemical constituent rosavin – a potent bioactive compound of the plant.

The synergistic effects of rosavins and the other compounds in the golden root elicit this superfood's powerful effects.

Our Rhodiola rosea is cultivated in pristine environments, ideal for natural growth and reaching its full therapeutic potential. We specifically utilise the plant's root, which traditional medicine recognises for its high concentration of bioactive compounds. 

Our careful extraction process ensures an optimal concentration ratio of 4~6:1, while standardising our Rhodiola rosea to contain 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside. This method preserves the plant's natural synergy, maximising its efficacy.

In summary, scientific research on Rhodiola rosea shows its benefits may include:
  • Improving mood and sense of well-being*
  • Alleviating burnout symptoms and reducing mental fatigue*
  • Increasing physical endurance and enhancing energy production*
  • Reducing cortisol levels*
  • Neuroprotective effects*
  • Anti-inflammatory effects*
  • Anti-addiction*
Ginkgo Biloba, also known as ginkgo or gingko, is an age old tree species. This medicinal plant, native to China has been used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to improve mental function and for treating conditions such as dementia, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, asthma, COPD circulatory and respiratory illnesses. Ginkgo has a particularly strong antioxidant content, boasting high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids. Antioxidants attenuate the detrimental effects of free radicals.

One of the primary ways Ginkgo sharpens focus is by increasing cerebral blood flow. As a vasodilator, it dilates blood vessels and improves circulation. This provides more oxygen and nutrients to your brain, enhancing overall cognition.

Chemical constituents such as flavonol glycosides (quercetin & catechin) and terpenoids (ginkgolides & bilobalides) have been identified as bioactive compounds of Ginkgo. The synergistic interaction of all compounds in the plant is what makes Ginkgo such a powerful superfood.

Our Ginkgo biloba is cultivated in prime conditions, optimal for natural growth, to ensure the highest-quality leaves. Through our careful extraction process, we standardise our Ginkgo biloba to contain 24% Flavonol Glycosides and 6% Terpene Lactones, with a concentration ratio of 50 to 60:1, while maintaining not more than five ppm Ginkgolic acid.

This approach preserves the integrity of the active compounds, guaranteeing that our Ginkgo biloba extract delivers optimal cognitive benefits.

Scientific research on Ginkgo indicates its potential benefits may include:
  • Guarding the brain from oxidative stress*
  • Boosting focus and cerebral blood flow*
  • Enhancing memory retention and recall*
  • Improving blood circulation & levels of nitric oxide*
  • Relieving symptoms of stress*
  • Reducing dementia symptoms*
  • Preventing age-related mental decline*



Rhodiola Rosea, commonly known as golden root or 红景天 hong jing tian, is a potent medicinal herb that grows in the Arctic and mountainous areas of Europe and Asia. Traditional healers in Russia, Scandinavia and China have a long history of using this powerful plant to boost brain performance, improve mood and mental health and treat conditions such as depression, chronic and acute mental fatigue, burnout symptoms and altitude sickness.

Rhodiola rosea optimises the activity of specific neurotransmitters and hormones that are vital for reducing fatigue and improving mood. This incredible plant promotes relaxation and mental alertness through increasing alpha brain wave activity.

One of the primary mechanisms Rhodiola rosea alleviates fatigue is by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which, when elevated, can cause fatigue and exhaustion.

Apart from its nootropic effects, Rhodiola rosea also boosts physical endurance by increasing the activity of energy metabolism enzymes such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase, increasing energy production and alleviating fatigue.

Our Rhodiola rosea is carefully extracted to ensure natural composition and ideal levels of bioactive compounds.

What distinguishes Rhodiola rosea from other Rhodiola species’ is the chemical constituent rosavin – a potent bioactive compound of the plant.

The synergistic effects of rosavin and the other compounds in the golden root elicit this superfood's powerful effects. In summary, scientific research on Rhodiola rosea shows its benefits may include:
  • Improving mood and sense of well-being*
  • Alleviating burnout symptoms and reducing mental fatigue*
  • Increasing physical endurance and enhancing energy production*
  • Reducing cortisol levels*
  • Neuroprotective effects*
  • Anti-inflammatory effects*
  • Anti-addiction*
Ginkgo Biloba, also known as ginkgo or gingko, is an age old tree species. This medicinal plant, native to China has been used by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to improve mental function and for treating conditions such as dementia, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, asthma, COPD circulatory and respiratory illnesses. Ginkgo has a particularly strong antioxidant content, boasting high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids. Antioxidants attenuate the detrimental effects of free radicals.

One of the primary ways Ginkgo sharpens focus is by increasing cerebral blood flow. As a vasodilator, it dilates blood vessels and improves circulation. This provides more oxygen and nutrients to your brain, enhancing overall cognition.

Our Ginkgo is meticulously extracted for precise concentration levels while maintaining its natural composition.

Chemical constituents such as flavonol glycosides (quercetin & catechin) and terpenoids (ginkgolides & bilobalides) have been identified as bioactive compounds of Ginkgo. The synergistic interaction of all compounds in the plant is what makes Ginkgo such a powerful superfood.

Scientific research on Ginkgo indicates its potential benefits may include:
  • Guarding the brain from oxidative stress*
  • Boosting focus and cerebral blood flow*
  • Enhancing memory retention and recall*
  • Improving blood circulation & levels of nitric oxide*
  • Relieving symptoms of stress*
  • Reducing dementia symptoms*
  • Preventing age-related mental decline*


Is Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite Vegan?

We ensure that there are no animal products in Brain Focus. Brain Focus is also third-party verified to be Vegan friendly by SAC-SINGLAS accredited labs.

Is Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite Halal?

We ensure that there are no animal or alcohol products in Brain Focus. In addition, Brain Focus is also third-party verified to be Vegan friendly (i.e. completely free of any animal products).

Is Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite safe?

Being made in Singapore by GMP-certified facilities means that Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite complies with one of the strictest regulations in the world. In addition, various in-house and third-party tests are conducted by SAC-SINGLAS accredited labs at various stages of manufacturing to ensure quality and purity.
What is the difference between Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite and Brain Focus?

Brain Focus and Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite are both designed to enhance cognitive performance.

Brain Focus is our comprehensive natural nootropic that combines elite forms of Rhodiola rosea, Bacopa monnieri, Ginkgo biloba, and Centella asiatica. We crafted this blend to support overall cognitive function, enhance memory, increase focus, and reduce stress, making it an excellent daily supplement for sustained mental clarity, cognitive resilience, and long-range brain health.

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite focuses on the synergistic effects of Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba. This formulation is particularly effective in enhancing mental energy and endurance. For Puresters already benefiting from Brain Focus, we recommend supplementing with one capsule of Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite on those days when you need an additional lift in mental energy and cognitive stamina.

This combination ensures you are well-equipped to handle any mental challenges with enhanced alertness and resilience.

That being said, we always recommend consulting your licensed physician before starting a regimen of any dietary supplements.
Can I take Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite with Brain Focus?

Yes, you can take Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite and Brain Focus together, and they complement each other well. Brain Focus provides a holistic approach to cognitive enhancement with its diverse blend of ingredients. At the same time, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite offers a concentrated boost of Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba for those particularly demanding days.

For those already taking Brain Focus, incorporate one capsule of Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite on days when you need an extra edge can provide additional support for mood, motivation, and memory. This combination allows you to tailor your supplement regimen to your needs, ensuring you get the most out of both products.

As always, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement regimen.

Will Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite affect my sleep like caffeine?

Caffeine promotes wakefulness by blocking adenosine receptors. The ingredients in Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite do not block adenosine like caffeine. On the contrary, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite can enhance sleep quality in the long run, promoting optimal brain function.

Are there any side effects?

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite is an all-natural herbal supplement formulated to improve cognition. Natural products are usually well tolerated at proper dosages. That being said, we always recommend speaking to your prescribing physician before using any supplements to ensure they are safe to take with your medication.

How long would it take for me to see effects?

This differs from person to person. Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite was formulated with potent forms of Rhodiola rosea, which studies show begin to act within 30 minutes of ingestion, resulting in a near-immediate increase in mental energy and improved cognitive performance. Also, certain individuals with circulatory issues may see improvements almost immediately as Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite promotes cerebral blood flow. As with all natural products, improvements may come gradually and smoothly. Some individuals may take up to four weeks for a noticeable difference. Consistency is key.

Does Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite build dependency?

No, Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite is made with elite forms of Rhodiola rosea and Ginkgo biloba. Because of the nature of its ingredients, it does not build dependency.

It is important to keep in mind the main goal of natural healing is to enhance the efficiency of our bodies. That is why we recommend cycling off Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite after 6 weeks and pausing consumption for 1 to 2 weeks to prevent tolerance and allow our bodies to return to their new baseline.

Can children consume Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite?

Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite is made from all-natural ingredients that traditional healers have used for centuries! Natural herbs and herbal extracts are generally well-tolerated in proper dosages. 

Children usually require a smaller dosage than adults. 

That being said, we always recommend consulting your licensed physician before starting a regimen of any dietary supplements.
Can I take Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite with Lion's Mane Brain Peak?

Yes, you may; the natural ingredients in Lion's Mane Brain Peak complement Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite very well. 

That being said, we always recommend consulting your licensed physician before starting a regimen of any dietary supplements.
Can I take Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite with Sleep Serene?

Yes, you may; the natural ingredients in Sleep Serene complement Rhodiola Ginkgo Elite.

That being said, we always recommend consulting your licensed physician before starting a regimen of any dietary supplements.
**Please note, some bottles may have a minor printing error where 'intended' is printed as 'intented.' Please rest assured that this error is purely cosmetic and does not affect the product’s quality or effectiveness.

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