How to Improve Memory: 5 Powerful Proven Methods


How to Improve Memory: 5 Powerful Proven Methods

In today’s rapid and knowledge-laden society, a goldfish could surpass us in terms of memory retention – and believe it or not, that’s not a joke! Whether nailing a high-stakes presentation, acing a crucial exam, or simply recalling the whereabouts of our car keys, a reliable and enduring working and long term memory is the ultimate superpower we crave.

So, the question remains – how do you hone these cognitive abilities? Are you tired of having a memory that resembles that of a distracted goldfish? Fear not, for we have the solution to elevate you to a memory maestro. Undoubtedly, the consensus among numerous esteemed health experts and medically reviewed research is a resounding ‘yes’!

Prepare to embark on an illuminating expedition, unleashing your mind’s potential through powerful memory-boosting techniques. Explore the meticulously researched tactics crafted to improve your memory, bolster cognitive fortitude against deterioration and turbocharge your brain. Get ready to buckle up because mastering your memory is no joke – it’s the key to thriving in the modern era. It’s time to kick things off!

1. Enhancing Memory Through Brain Health Maintenance

Improving your memory from “distracted goldfish” to “memory maestro” is a feasible goal, contrary to popular belief. To embark on this transformative journey, you must prioritise maintaining a healthy brain.

A Healthy Brain and Sharp Memory

Extensive clinical trials and studies emphasise the crucial role of a healthy brain in keeping your memory sharp.

“Our brains are like muscles. The more we use and take care of them, the stronger and more efficient they become,”

Dr. Jane Kim, a distinguished neurologist with expertise in memory function (1).

Your brain health directly impacts your ability to recall information, problem-solving skills, and ability to absorb new information. A peer-reviewed study revealed that individuals who participated in brain-stimulating activities exhibited enhanced problem-solving abilities and improved memory function compared to a control group (2).

Optimising Brain Health Through Nutrition and Lifestyle Habits

Our dietary intake and way of living are two frequently disregarded aspects of maintaining brain health. According to research from Harvard Medical School, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can lower the risk of cognitive impairment (3). “You are what you eat, and that includes your brain,” dietitian Amanda Carlson (4).

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy brain, alongside a nutritious diet. Numerous peer-reviewed studies underscore the significance of physical activity for preserving and improving cognitive abilities. Older adults who followed a fitness program for six months experienced increased gray matter volume, which enhanced recollection and cognition. In contrast, the sedentary control group did not show any improvements (5).

A Healthy Brain and its Effect on Cognitive Function

In addition to memory, neurological wellness greatly influences your cognitive function. As numerous studies suggest, an engaging and challenging lifestyle staves off cognitive decline and keeps your mind sharp. Immersing yourself in problem-solving, socialising, and lifelong learning builds a cognitive reserve that safeguards cognitive abilities, especially in older adults (6).

In a clinical trial published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, researchers discovered that individuals who maintained an active and socially integrated lifestyle experienced slower cognitive decline and improved memory function compared to those leading a more sedentary lifestyle (7).

Maintaining a healthy brain involves more than just preserving memory; more research show it requires fortifying all aspects of cognitive function. Neuroscientist Dr Paul Nussbaum confirms, “Our brain is the most fascinating and important organ in our body, and yet, it’s the one we tend to ignore the most” (8).

By prioritising a healthy brain through regular exercise, a nourishing diet, and continuous learning, you can enhance memory and maintain a sharp mind for the long term.

2. Exercises for Boosting Memory Function

“Athletes aren’t the only ones who benefit from training. Mental exercises like brain games can help individuals sharpen their memory and cognitive skills.”

Elon Musk

As we explore exercises for boosting memory, it becomes clear that not all exercises are equal. Among the various cognitive workouts available, three mainly shine due to their efficacy, accessibility, and endorsement by clinical research: Brain Games, the Memory Palace technique, and Math Problems.

Brain Games: The Mental Gymnasium

Are you prepared for a delightful surprise? Your Sudoku endeavours are not mere leisurely pursuits; they serve as rigorous mental exercise. Contrary to popular belief, games such as crosswords, memory matching, and Sudoku can enhance brain activity and strengthen long and short term memory (9).

Hill, Birge, Huppert, and Richards (2018) discovered that engaging in playful activities can significantly enhance working memory and cognitive flexibility. It’s brain jogging.

Memory Palace Technique: A Journey Through the Mind’s Archives

Now, let’s delve into a method that could easily be mistaken for a concept straight out of a captivating fantasy novel: the memory palace technique, commonly called the “Method of Loci”. The ancient method links necessary information to familiar physical locations—no castles are required. A simple stroll through your home or daily commute suffices (10).

Worthen and Hunt’s (2011) research shows that this technique can remarkably improve memory in a short period. Participants experienced a remarkable 62% improvement in recall capacity through this method. Our brains have a remarkable talent for spatial memory. A prominent psychologist, Dr Elizabeth Loftus, noted that the method of loic utilises our innate spatial memory capacity, providing a powerful method to boost memory.

Math Problems: Your Ultimate Brain Trainer

Prepare to be astounded by our grand finale: mathematics. Please don’t fret; we won’t bore you with traumatic memories of high school calculus. Just give us a moment to explain.

Mathematics problems are like personal brain trainers, strengthening your mental muscles and boosting overall brain function (11). Supercharge your brain function with this mind-bending workout that turbocharges processing speed and enhances working memory. Like any reasonable investigation, further research is necessary to grasp the long-term effects of regular mathematical exercise on memory performance.

3. Dietary Changes for Maximal Memory Gains

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The Undeniable Link Between Diet and Memory

The cliché “you are what you eat” remains relevant, even in neuroscience. Your brain, comprising 60% fat, is significantly impacted by your dietary choices. The diet-memory connection is akin to a meticulously orchestrated symphony, where each nutrient plays a crucial role in upholding the equilibrium of brain cells and safeguarding your memory (12).

One intriguing study revealed a link between calorie restriction and a lower incidence of memory issues like Alzheimer’s disease. Hold on before you start cutting your calorie intake. Even though these results are encouraging, further research is necessary before we can revise dietary guidelines, so wait to start cutting calories right now (13).

Dr Andrew Weil, a renowned nutrition expert, pointed out, “While we can’t change our genetic predispositions or cure a medical condition with a fork and knife alone, our dietary choices can play a substantial role in enhancing our brain health and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.”

The Best Diet to Boost Memory and Cognitive Function

Certain players harmonise in your diet’s culinary symphony to improve memory and promote mental agility. Introducing the Mediterranean diet – a harmonious blend of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and whole grains that serenades your brain cells (14).

Research suggests that people who embrace the Mediterranean diet enjoy reduced chances of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. This diet offers your brain cells a nutrient-rich feast and aids in preventing memory loss because of its abundance of antioxidants, healthy fats, and fibre (14).

Renowned neuroscientist Dr Lisa Mosconi eloquently stated, “The food we eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. A balanced diet not only pleases our taste buds but also feeds our brain, promoting better memory and cognitive function.”

A healthy diet alone won’t guarantee your security against memory loss or all medical conditions, but it’s a strong defence. When contemplating your next meal, remember that a diet conducive to memory is more than avoiding certain foods.

Embrace the nourishing power of essential nutrients and savour the harmonious symphony they orchestrate to safeguard your brain’s well-being.

Enhancing your memory can be as simple as three (3) vegan capsules a day. Incorporate Brain Focus by BesaPure® into your morning routine to help you easily remember faces, names and locations!

4. Mindful Meditation to Fight Cognitive Decline


The Underestimated Power of Meditation

Meditation has recently transcended its origins as a pursuit favoured by spiritual seekers and has emerged as an indispensable tool for those seeking cognitive excellence. An increasing body of research sheds light on its remarkable potential to improve memory and cognition.

Not only does it offer a formidable defence against cognitive decline, but it also boasts the ability to bolster various cognitive abilities. This scientific revelation is a game-changer (15).

Numerous other factors also play a role in memory loss and the risk of developing dementia. However, the fascinating science behind meditation’s ability to enhance memory lies within the hippocampus, the brain region entrusted with memory consolidation.

Regular meditation can lead to an expansion in the thickness of the hippocampus. This development supports the enhancement of short term memory and contributes to the retention of long-term memories (16).

Renowned neuropsychologist Rick Hanson once eloquently expressed, “The mind is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.” Mindful meditation bestows a delightful adhesive quality upon positive experiences, transforming them from fleeting moments into enduring memories.

How To Practise Mindful Meditation

Given mindful meditation’s incredible advantages, you may think it requires great discipline to incorporate into your daily life. Contrary to popular belief, the solution at hand is remarkably straightforward;

1) Locate a peaceful area where you won’t be bothered.

2) Please assume a comfortable position, gently close your eyes and breathe deeply and deliberately.

3) Focus on your breath and the graceful rhythm it effortlessly traverses in and out of your bodily vessel.

4) When your thoughts start to stray, graciously steer them back to the tranquil shores of your breath.

Mastering the art of mindful meditation is akin to taming a spirited stallion; through diligent practice, your mind shall acquire the skill to stay focused.

There is no need to sit in meditation for hours on end. Regular, brief sessions have similar effectiveness. Dedicating a mere 10 minutes of your daily routine can yield tangible transformations in the intricate architecture of your brain (15).

“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realise where you already are.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn, renowned author and teacher of meditation & mindfulness.

In summary, although it may appear as an unlikely comrade in the fight against memory loss and cognitive decline, meditation undeniably establishes itself as a formidable weapon. Regular meditation practice possesses a remarkable capacity to shape the very architecture of our brains, making it a good habit for individuals seeking to uphold and enhance their cognitive well-being.

5. Quality Sleep & Physical Exercise

The Role of Physical Exercise in Memory Performance

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”


Recall the exhilaration of swiftly traversing the neighbourhood on your bicycle during your youthful days, with the breeze gracefully whistling past your ears. As it happens, those invigorating pedal-pumping sessions sharpen your hand eye coordination and yield additional benefits. They were meticulously preparing the groundwork for the captivating artistry of memory magic.

Physical exercise, particularly aerobic, offers many benefits beyond mere cardiovascular stimulation. Engaging in this activity stimulates cerebral blood flow and enhances the supply of oxygen and vital nutrients to the part of your brain responsible for governing memory and learning processes (16).

Animal studies have consistently demonstrated that engaging in exercise can augment the size of the hippocampus, leading to a notable enhancement in short term memory capabilities. Furthermore, the researchers found that consistent physical activity correlates with a lower risk of experiencing memory decline caused by risk factors such as high blood pressure and heart disease (17).

Integrating consistent physical activity into your daily regimen enhances your cognitive prowess and confers many advantages to your whole body and overall well-being. Engaging in various activities, such as learning new skills in a dance class, embarking on invigorating running trails, or participating in study sessions for a novel martial arts discipline, is essential to improve your memory.

Power of Quality Sleep to Improve Your Memory

“Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body.”

Matthew Walker, renowned sleep scientist

Exercise invigorates your mind, but a good night’s sleep primes it for optimal memory storage and organization. Your brain doesn’t stop working when you do; instead, it begins processing and cataloguing the day’s events.

Enough sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, converting short-term memories into long-term ones. Sleep deprivation can impede this process and hinder your ability to remember information and acquire new knowledge (19).

In conclusion, exercise and prioritizing sufficient sleep are crucial for lowering stress, improving memory and promoting cognitive well-being. Although these changes may appear minor, they can significantly impact your memory and other cognitive abilities.


Our memories are more reliable than we think. Proper attention and care can improve your memory and strengthen your mind’s resilience. The Mediterranean diet, mindful meditation, regular physical activity, quality sleep, and mental exercises all enhance your mental prowess and lower risk factors of mental deterioration. These elements form a harmonious orchestra that can significantly improve your overall mental well-being.

With these scientifically-supported strategies at your disposal, you can significantly diminish the spectre of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.

Indeed, the human mind possesses remarkable power. You can enhance and safeguard its capabilities by employing these straightforward yet highly effective techniques. Enhancing your memory is a continuous and fulfilling endeavour that holds the potential to enrich your life in countless ways.


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