How to Improve Memory: 5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp


How to Improve Memory: 5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Article by Dr. Ahmed Zayed, MD.


The more you use your brain, the better your ability to remember and process information. You can make use of the natural power of neuroplasticity. As well as facilitate your cognitive skills, and ability to retain and learn new information. If you want to amplify your mental performance and sharpen your mind, the strategies below can help.


Get physically active! If you're wondering how to improve memory with exercise? The evidence is clear.

Based on 2018 reports from Frontiers in Psychology, a substantial amount of evidence supports the beneficial impact of physical exercise on well-being, including cognition and brain plasticity. Clinical trials and experimental studies indicate that physical exercise enables functional and structural changes in the brain. (1)

Being physically active can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which helps the brain form new connections and restores brain cells. Recent research has demonstrated that physical exercise enhances cognitive ability and reduces age-related decrease in brain tissue. In fact, fit individuals can process information faster and concentrate better. (2)

You can reap these benefits by engaging in aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling a few times a week!

Train Your Brain

We understand that exercise may not be for everyone. If you're thinking of how to improve memory without physical exercise, there are other ways you can give your central nervous system a kick in the right direction with creative tactics.

For example, doing some writing, painting, playing a new instrument, perfecting a new language, and so on. To maximize your brain power, you would need to select an activity that you are somewhat comfortable with and something that can challenge your mind. Based on the 2021 Scientific Reports by Nature Research, cognitive mobile games specifically developed for brain training can enhance cognitive processing speed and performance in older adults. (3)

By the end of the trial, both old and very old participants (60 years to 80 years and over) managed to enhance their cognitive performance in real-life.

Limit Refined Carbs

Refined carbs offer very few nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Our bodies processes them rather quickly. So, it is normal that the body doesn’t get lasting energy, and blood glucose level can go through the roof.

According to a 2018 review from PubMed,a diet packed with refined carbs can induce a neurocognitive deficit. This could manifest before the onset of metabolic disease or obesity. You can limit refined carbs intake by: (4)

  • Swapping refined grain bread with whole grain bread.
  • Replacing the sugary drinks with freshly squeezed juice.
  • Switching the chips and pretzels with nuts and cheese.

Take Naps

Stress can lead to brain fog, and brain fog can cause forgetfulness, lack of mental clarity, focus, and a lot of confusion. When you take a nap, the brain gets rid of all unnecessary information and prepares itself to absorb new data.

Many findings indicate that afternoon naps facilitate cognitive performance. Particularly for alertness, explains the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Countless people like to take daytime naps, which can be just as useful. Napping can be highly beneficial before doing high performance tasks. (5)

It can help with logical reasoning, symbol recognition, and reaction time. Napping seems to be useful for all memory types. While daytime napping can help with fatigue, relaxation, and mood boost.

This is a great way of coping with exhaustion from shift work or improving physical performance. Another key benefit of taking naps is that it could provide better cardiovascular recovery from psychological stress.

Eat a Brain Boosting Diet

The human body is in constant need of proper nutrients. A good diet can keep our blood vessels and cardiovascular system in good shape. That’s why you should be making healthier dietary choices as it impacts both your mind and body.

Mediterranean Diet

Evidence from the American Society for Nutrition suggests that sticking to a Mediterranean diet might shield the body from dementia and cognitive decline. It can offer profound beneficial properties on cognition. The mediterranean diet uses eating habits from countries like Italy and Greece, which lies on the borders of the Mediterranean sea. The diet includes nuts, beans, vegetables, fruits, and seafood, with a particular focus on whole grains. Meals will often prioritise plant-based foods and olive oil forms the main fat source in the diet. (6)

Memory Improving Foods and Adaptogenic Herbs

Certain consumables and natural herbal medicines have notable memory-enhancing effects. They have therapeutic potential due to their antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Additionally, they can strengthen the nervous system.


Consuming 1 to 2 oz of walnuts a day can amplify cognitive function. Both human and animal studies from MDPI indicate that other than for cognition, you can use walnuts to curb the odds of type 2 diabetes, depression, and heart problems which are classic risk factors for developing dementia. (7)


Due to their dense content of fiber, micronutrients and carotenoids — avocados can make for a noteworthy addition to any brain-boosting diet. Plus, it is a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which could be useful for preventing cognitive decline and facilitating cognitive performance. (8)

Rhodiola Rosea

Commonly referred to as the arctic root or golden root, Rhodiola Rosea can amplify cognitive function. Summarising various reports from Science Direct—it can enhance learning, and memory, and protect the central nervous system. Which makes it one of the most potent supplements for brain health. (9)

Ginkgo Biloba

Known as the “brain herb”, Ginkgo Biloba contains potent vasoactive and antioxidant compounds—making it a potential cognitive enhancer. This explains why it is being used by numerous people to curb signs of age-induced cognitive impairment. (10)

Bacopa Monnieri

This amazing herb in the form of an extract can drastically boost the speed of learning rate, information processing, and memory consolidation. It could also help with anxiety management, making it a practical option for amplifying cognitive processes. (11)

Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)

Certain trials indicate that Gotu Kola was more effective than folic acid at amplifying the memory domain. In the form of an extract, it could be a powerful option for enhancing cognition after a stroke. (12)


There are many brain-boosting foods, strategies, and tactics you can use to enhance cognitive function, memory, and concentration. It’s all about making healthier lifestyle choices while supplying the body with all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs. With just simple changes to your daily routine, you can go a long way. For an extra boost, adaptogenic herbs can help.